How I Started Seeing Past Lives

The first time I experienced a past life I was at home with my still tiny twin babies. I was having a particularly challenging time feeling lost & overwhelmed in new motherhood. It wasn’t just the lack of sleep or that my body was in full on revolt postpartum-I felt weighed down with heavy emotions, deep fears and a level of anxiety I had never experienced before. 

One morning after getting the girls down for a nap, I crumpled onto the floor in exhaustion & tears asking no one in particular why this was so hard. How was I going to get through this time & would I ever feel ok again? The next moment I was at a riverbank. I could see my feet on the rocks & feel the icy water on my toes. I looked down-I had long red hair and was wearing a white cotton dress. I was me, but I also wasn’t me. I was in another body, but it felt completely normal that this was also my body. I was experiencing the scene at the river in real time as if I was there, while also being able to zoom out & witness ‘myself’ from above. 

“I was me, but I also wasn’t me. I was experiencing the scene in real time as if I was there, while also being able to zoom out & witness ‘myself’ from above.”

I felt an overwhelming rush of emotions course through my body-it was a grief & panic that was so real and so intense I thought I would vomit. Without any reason I knew that I had lost my baby in this river and that she’d been swept away by the current. I was in desperation, screaming and wading into the river. In my current body I was rocking back & forth on the floor, gripping my arms, sobbing, and trying to catch my breath.

I knew that in this other life I had tempted fate during a spell of depression. I had come down to the river wanting to drown myself with no real intention of following through, when my baby had fallen into the water by accident.

The next moment everything flashed before me and my lifeless body washed up along the river’s edge. I had gone after my baby knowing that I couldn’t save her, but also knowing I didn’t have a choice. I ended up drowning soon after. 

On this morning, I was able to experience myself drowning in an Irish river while simultaneously crying myself silly on the floor of a two bedroom apartment. I grieved the loss of a baby and a self I never knew, while expelling the confusing pain and anxiety I felt about losing the current babies I had sleeping in the next room.

To say this was intense is an understatement. It was unexpected, shocking, bizarre-but also just…right. Once I’d recovered, journaled it all out, and sat for a few moments before the familiar waking cries started, I knew something had shifted. I felt a release of energy & tension. I had a deeper understanding of some of the confusing emotions I’d been feeling, but couldn’t put words to. A little part of me was healed and resolved in the strangest yet purest way. 

“[The] experiences mirrored my current situation, sometimes in a literal sense, other times in a purely metaphorical way, but always forthcoming with wisdom.”

After this first happening I started to experience other lives connected to my current one. At times they would just flash through me like a deja Vu while I was doing the dishes, other times I would relive a life in full detail while lying down for a nap. I have journals and journals filled with descriptions of lives I’ve somehow lived before.

A fisherman with a drinking problem who died of sepsis & heartache at sea, a young father killed by car thieves in the deserts of North Africa, a woman who jumped off a cliff to her death after being trapped in a remote cabin by her estranged husband, a pervy Parisian business man who funded the careers of burlesque performers to lure them into his arms. The list goes on and on.

Soon I started to intentionally work with these lives. I would close my eyes and ask about something in my current life. I would then be taken to another lifetime with experiences that mirrored my current situation, sometimes in a literal sense and other times in a purely metaphorical way, but always forthcoming with wisdom. 

When I experience past lives I see the life unfolding like a movie in my mind-I feel the emotions and hear the thoughts of the characters. I know the storyline of their life, sometimes the full story, other times just the highlights that correspond in some way to a current life. Sometimes I get dates, names and historical context, other times just an overview of the main themes & sentiments.

Reliving these lives has helped me uncover more about myself and the parts of me that I’ve struggled with most. I was stunned, and still am, with the intricate detail that corresponds to my experience today. It’s truly magic and a practice that provides infinite potential for deeper understanding and healing in this current life.

Experiencing past lives was my initiation into metaphysical work and it’s my favourite part of this world. I have so much more to share about them so stay tuned for Part II where I’ll delve deeper into what I’ve learned!

And if you’d like to discover more about yourself and the lives you’ve lived, I offer a Mini or Full 🔮 Past Lives Reading. Use the code JULY30 for 30% off when you book during the month of July.

Sarah Hildreth Rankin

Sarah is a clairvoyant & creative and the founder of Arcana Intuitive. She lives in Victoria, BC with her twin daughters and partner Nick.

Pisces Sun | Leo Moon | Capricorn Ascendant


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