Intuitive Readings with Sarah
I’m currently taking a break from offering readings. Stay tuned for future updates!
Intuitive Reading
$220 CAD Live over Zoom or
In-Person (60-75min)
I connect with your soul’s energy to receive messages and guidance directly for you to provide clarity in better understanding yourself, your purpose, your challenges and where you are in your life. Whether it be your career, relationships, or big life questions, we will explore the magic of your soul and the current energies that support or block you on your path. *Please note that my calendar is currently closed for readings.
I receive information and messages using my clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing) and clairsentience (feeling). My readings are an immersive and individualized experience where I pull from a range of intuitive tools that include reading your energy centres, connecting with your soul’s history, viewing past lives and communicating with guides or energies that are with you.
Booking your Session: You will fill out an online form asking what areas of focus or questions you would like guidance on. I will use your questions to guide me when tuning into your energy and receiving messages specific to you. Or, if you don’t have any questions that’s ok too. I will look into your purpose, path, current energy and be guided by whatever is meant to come through for you.
It is up to you how much you would like to share, but with questions I ask that you try to keep your focus to roughly 3 main areas of your life as more than this can be too much to cover in one reading.
If you live in Victoria BC, we can do an in-person reading where I come to you in your space. If not, your reading will be conducted over Zoom.
Before your Session: I will connect with your energy to obtain messages specifically for you.
During your Session: I will share what information I received with time to discuss as we go along to gain more clarity. Feel free to take notes during our session.
Add Ons: When booking you may add on a custom designed PDF booklet of your reading that you can refer back to at any time. Your booklet will be delivered via email within one week of the live reading.
In my opinion, intuitive readings are meant to be an empowering & healing experience. While I deliver divine messages & guidance, it’s you who gets to decide if it’s right for you or not. If something doesn’t land during the reading or makes you feel off, just know you don’t need to take it to heart or it may indeed resonate later on down the road.
While I can look into the past and glimpse into future possibilities, my readings are not predictive and I cannot guarantee a certain outcome. When I’m reading energy, it’s based on where a person is in the present moment which can easily change based on the decisions you make and directions you take going forward. My goal is to illuminate your path and best support you where you’re at now in creating the best future for yourself.
I act as a channel for guidance to come through me and I deliver exactly that. At times I may not fully grasp what I’m experiencing, but will deliver messages without analyzing or personally interpreting the information. What I receive is meant for you and not always for me to understand.
Most importantly, readings are a divinely guided process and I cannot control what comes through for you. Try to leave any expectations at the door and trust that you will receive exactly what is meant for you at this time. Again, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t and if something doesn’t land during the reading, know that it may make sense later on down the road.
Past Lives Reading
$185 CAD Voice Recording
Whether you’re just curious or seeking deeper understanding on specific concerns, this reading brings clarity and healing to areas of your life by examining significant past lives, to help uncover how certain issues originated, played out and manifest in your life today.
Helpful for understanding the root cause behind specific:
Personal patterns (issues with self-expression, sabotage, etc.)
Deep rooted or unexplained feelings that you can’t place
Life challenges (finances, health, love, etc.)
Fears or phobias
Relationship dynamics or patterns
Areas of life you’ve worked on, but can’t seem to heal
*Please note that my calendar is currently closed for readings.
I receive information and messages using my clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing) and clairsentience (feeling). My past lives readings are an immersive and individualized experience where I connect with your soul’s history and experience significant moments from your past lives. I receive valuable guidance for you on how energy from the past may be influencing your current circumstances.
Book Your Reading: Choose a date on my online calendar. You will receive your reading within 1 week of this date. *As this is not a live reading, the actual time (i.e. 12pm) is arbitrary.
You will fill out an online form asking what areas of focus or questions you would like to better understand or heal. I will use your questions to guide me when tuning into the most significant past lives related to these concerns.
It is up to you how much you would like to share, but for this reading, I ask that you try to keep your focus to roughly 2-3 main areas of your life as more than this is too much to cover for one reading. I might receive multiple lives related to a concern, or there may be just one significant one for each.
If you do not have any questions, I will ask for what is most important to come through within the allotted time.
Delivery: Your reading will arrive by email with an Audio Recording within one week of the date you booked in my calendar.
In my opinion, intuitive readings are meant to be an empowering & healing experience. While I deliver divine messages & guidance, it’s you who gets to decide if it’s right for you or not. If something doesn’t land during the reading or makes you feel off, just know you don’t need to take it to heart or it may indeed resonate later on down the road.
I act as a channel for guidance to come through me and I deliver exactly that. At times I may not fully grasp what I’m experiencing, but will deliver messages without analyzing or personally interpreting the information. What I receive is meant for you and not always for me to understand.
Lastly, there’s no way of predicting what will come through for you and sometimes past lives can be quite intense. I always do my best to deliver these messages in a way that is mindful & kind. However, if there is a topic that’s very triggering for you, please let me know in advance on the online booking form so I can provide the best experience for you.
Mini Past Lives Reading
$44 CAD Voice Recording
Curious about the lives your soul has lived before? This mini reading is a little taste of a full past lives reading. Submit a question or theme you’re curious about and receive one detailed past life related to this area delivered via audio message within one week of booking.
Examples of Questions for a Past Life Reading
I would like to see a past life related to my…
Relationship with my father
Fear of snails
Constant feeling of isolation
Migraine headaches
Lack of motivation with work
If you don’t have a question, no problem! I will deliver the most significant past life that wants to come up for you at this time. *Please note that my calendar is currently closed for readings.
I receive information and messages using my clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing) and clairsentience (feeling). My past lives readings are an immersive and individualized experience where I connect with your soul’s history and experience significant moments from your past lives. I receive valuable guidance for you on how energy from the past may be influencing your current circumstances.
Book Your Reading: Choose a date on my online calendar. You will receive your reading within 1 week of this date. *As this is not a live reading, the actual time (i.e. 12pm) is arbitrary.
Submit Your Question: You will enter some basic details and the question you’d like explored through a past life. If you do not have a question I will ask for the most significant life that wants to show itself for you at this time.
It is up to you how much you would like to share, but for this mini reading, I ask that you keep your focus to one question or area of life.
Receive Your Reading: Within 1 week of the scheduled date, I will email you a personalized audio message describing the past life that came up for you and it’s themes.
In my opinion, intuitive readings are meant to be an empowering & healing experience. While I deliver divine messages & guidance, it’s you who gets to decide if it’s right for you or not. If something doesn’t land during the reading or makes you feel off, just know you don’t need to take it to heart or it may indeed resonate later on down the road.
I act as a channel for guidance to come through me and I deliver exactly that. At times I may not fully grasp what I’m experiencing, but will deliver messages without analyzing or personally interpreting the information. What I receive is meant for you and not always for me to understand.
Lastly, there’s no way of predicting what will come through for you and sometimes past lives can be quite intense. I always do my best to deliver these messages in a way that is mindful & kind. However, if there is a topic that’s very triggering for you, please let me know in advance on the online booking form so I can provide the best experience for you.
I’m currently taking a break from offering readings. Stay tuned for future updates!

“Sarah is an amazing intuitive reader and healer. She has such a sweet and welcoming energy. I love how she shares her messages in such a unique and intriguing way. I have left our sessions with more awareness and confidence on where I am in my own journey. I highly recommend her.”
— Christine G, Orange County, CA
“It took less than two minutes for you to strike something really resonant for me, and from that point on I really just wanted to be fully open to your insights. I’ve gotten so much from your reading: some valuable clarification on things I have felt but have not been fully able to articulate, and affirming advice at a time when I could truly use it. You’re going to provide many people with a lot of help, comfort, and inspiration.”
— Ruth S, London, ON