I wanted to be a cashier, but became a psychic instead
1999, grade 9 year book
1989, garden obsessed
2001, high school radio host
2010, producing doc about bike messengers
I wanted to be a lot of things when I grew up: a poet, artist, radio show host, garden designer, documentary filmmaker, cartoonist, cat (I’ll admit this phase lasted a little too long), and, according to my grade nine year book, a “super rock star, or if that fails, a cashier at IGA”. I wanted to be a lot of things, but psychic was not one of them.
Regardless of not setting out to become a psychic, I’ve always been extremely sensitive and picked up on the energy behind things. I feel the energy of everything from people, animals and plants, to objects, words, and even buildings. I’ve always connected with this unseen energy and received messages from it through my senses in the form of emotions, thoughts, visions, physical sensations, voices, music, and even smells.
When I walk into a room full of people, beyond the experience of what’s going on in that present moment, I’ll also receive additional information that isn’t obvious. Let’s be clear-all of us have this ability, I think I just happen to be extra sensitive to it, like it’s on hyper drive. Sometimes it’s subtle, quiet, almost indistinguishable and other times it’s loud and distracting. I’ll see little movies play in my head or hear conversations between people who aren’t there. I might see faces or vibrant colours in my mind’s eye, hear a specific song playing or a phrase repeating or feel strong emotions that aren’t related to how I’m actually feeling. I might know things about these people that they haven’t told me or I’ll connect them to another place and time even if we haven’t met before. I will often remember this exact moment from a dream I’ve had or strongly feel I’ve experienced it already.
“The world is continuously talking to me & leaving little energetic impressions in my awareness.”
Essentially, it’s as if everything in the world is continuously talking to me and leaving little energetic impressions in my field of awareness. The things I’m picking up on may be connected to the situation or people I’m interacting with at that moment or they could not-I could be receiving messages related to anything at all and most times I have no idea what’s going on or why.
Due to this extra sensory perception, existing in my body, in this world has been the opposite of simple-it’s felt confusing and complicated and I’ve always dealt with some level of overwhelm. My whole life I’ve been seeking to understand or find reprieve from this extra layer of perception, but could never quite grasp the purpose of it all. I could never control what was happening and I would unknowingly absorb the energy from the people, places and things within my awareness. Over time this barrage of energy has manifested as chronic illness, exhaustion, anxiety, and even a fear of being around others and going outside.
As I realized that most of the world around me wasn’t experiencing what I was, I also noticed that often what I had to say or share wasn’t even acknowledged as real or possible. Wanting to be accepted, I became very good at hiding this side of my life and pushing it all down until even I stopped believing what I was seeing and feeling.
“It wasn’t until a psychic told me I should become a psychic that I ever recognized my sensitivity as something of value.”
It wasn’t until a trusted & talented psychic told me in a reading that I should become a psychic that I ever recognized my sensitivity as a skill or something of value that could actually help others.
After that reading I started down a new path where I discovered that I’d essentially been speaking a different language my entire life without ever recognizing it. With this new perspective I sought out training and mentors to help me learn this language and gain the skills to work with the sensitivities I had. I learned how to:
differentiate between my own energy and that of everyone & everything else
harness my awareness instead of remaining open to receiving all the time
differentiate between the different “voices” in my mind and where/who they’re coming from
direct my intuitive focus to connect more efficiently and pull specific information
work with energy to produce supportive and healing outcomes for people
In a nutshell, I learned how to be a psychic.
Something I’m now in the midst of learning is total acceptance of my path. I’m very aware that many people will never touch this side of life, let alone admit that it even exists-I did just this for most of my life. For someone who’s been very good at hiding, exposing this is side of myself is daunting and fourteen year old me is beyond confused why I’ve traded in a name tag and grocery checkout for a path of possible scrutiny and judgement.
All this being said, I’m finally committed to sharing my skills and putting my sensitivities out in the world. While I have no idea where this path will take me, at this time I’m honoured to now offer intuitive readings. If you’re seeking clarity on your own path, guidance during a tough time, or just validation that there is so much more to you and to this life than meets the eye, I’m here to help and show you some magic :)