Aquarius: Playlist Prescription
© 2023 by Adam Rankin
Rx #11 Aquarius Energy
Aquarius is the true rebel & humanitarian of the zodiac, using its visionary mind to progress us towards a better future. This intellectual energy is revolutionary, independent and opinionated, always gathering data to support its case while keeping a cool head. Ruled by Uranus, the planet of liberation, unpredictability & change, Aquarius is all about refusing to follow the crowd & seeking a unique path. Aquarius is free-thinking, unorthodox, and even eccentric, giving others the space & freedom from judgement that they deeply require themselves.
To embody Aquarius at its best is to forget the rules & do things the exact way you want to. It’s leaning into your weirdest self and loving how you are different. It’s owning your inner rebel and not being afraid to stand up for something. It’s being friendly to all while not getting dragged into the emotions of things. It’s giving everyone around you the freedom to express their true self as you lead the way in your authentic form.
Playlist Prescription (Rx)
Below is a playlist to accompany you in tapping into Aquarius vibes during this season-or whenever you need some of this potent energy in your life. Obviously I can’t condense the entirety of a complex zodiac sign into 12 songs, so think of this as a small capsule of energy to try on for an hour and see if it can move you into embodying the archetype of Aquarius.
NOTE: These aren’t songs I think people with signs in Aquarius will necessarily like or identify with, nor do I think it sums them up in any way-our musical tastes & personalities are much too unique and complex for that! This is about music I feel evokes the essence of this sign and I hope it helps you then experience it within yourself.
Rx #11 Aquarius
Use: Jan 20-Feb 18 (or as needed)
Qty: 12 songs
Dosage: 44 min
Directions: Listen 1x daily as needed to activate unconventional Aquarius energy
Active Ingredients:
Cool Confidence…...…...….…..10%
Inactive Ingredients: Air, Uranus
Recommended Use: Getting charged up, strutting, feeling restless, exploring your convictions, being effortlessly cool, charting your visions, connecting with your authenticity, sticking it to “the man”.
Refills: Unlimited
About Playlist Rx
Playlist Prescription (Rx) is a project about embodying archetypal energy. I’m fascinated by the patterns & crossover of symbols within systems of universal understanding, like tarot, astrology, and the cycles of nature, and how these archetypes have been used throughout history to understand ourselves and weave the important stories of our world across culture, religion and time.
I’ve created playlists ever since I can remember to move me through an experience, to shift my emotional state, or to embody a certain energy. Delivering these archetypes through music feels like the perfect to way to offer a personalized journey for you to try on the energy for yourself and see what it feels like for you.
I’m excited to team up with my brother, artist & photographer, Adam Rankin, to create the imagery for each sign.
The Zodiac Edition
In this edition, I’m focusing on astrology and the 12 signs of the zodiac. We all contain the energy of each of the 12 zodiac signs within us. Depending on our astrological makeup, some signs will be more expressed, comfortable or obvious and others will feel foreign to us or remain more hidden. Power comes in exploring and activating each of these energies within our selves and tapping into them as needed throughout the different seasons, not only of the year, but of our lives.
This series will follow the astrological calendar in real time with a monthly post and playlist intended to inform and evoke the essence of the featured zodiac sign within that season and within yourself.